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How the Metaverse May Help People with Disabilities

1 min read · 465 views Bong-Geun Choi Dec 19, 2022

World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published an article that outlines at least five potential benefits that the metaverse may offer people with disabilities.[1]  What are these benefits, and how may the metaverse offer these?


Virtual Mobility
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are central to metaverse technology.  Such technologies can enhance the physical space around us by augmenting it with digital information.  It may also transport us virtually to distant locations.


What are five areas where metaverse technology may benefit people with disabilities?


Social Life
Metaverse technology can create digital social spaces that can mimic in-person interactions that exist in the physical world but without obstacles.  Users can choose to represent themselves in any way they wish via their personal avatar and interact with others in this digital space.


Metaverse technology may improve the range and quality of education for individuals with disabilities.  VR technology may remove some of the obstacles that might make it difficult for people with disabilities to attend in-school programs, including the need to move away from home or to travel to a distant campus.Additionally, metaverse technology can enable remote coaching and skills training.[2]


Metaverse technology is already creating virtual workspaces that enable individuals to not only work from home, but to be able to interact via personal avatars. It effectively brings workers together from remote locations.[3]


Individuals with disabilities may be able to work in metaverse-created workspaces without needing to leave their homes.  It also may eliminate the need for individuals to request adaptive equipment or workspaces and on-site attendants.


Entertainment & Leisure
Many events are already happening in the metaverse, including Post Malone, Charli XCX, and BlackPink concerts.  These virtual events remove obstacles that may allow individuals with disabilities to attend.  In addition to concerts, theater performances, museum and gallery exhibits, and similar events are occurring in virtual spaces.


Tourism is another area where metaverse technology can provide opportunities to travel through digital environments.  Virtual copies of tourist areas can be created in virtual spaces, removing obstacles for disabled individuals.  Tourists could explore remote locations such as the cobbed-stone streets in many older European towns and visit old castles or buildings that may not have been designed to be fully accessible by disabled people.


Healthcare & Wellbeing
Metaverse technology may allow virtual doctor visits and consultations for people who are unable to leave their homes.  It is also currently being used for medical training functions.


Breaking Down Barriers and Removing Obstacles
The power of the metaverse is its ability to break down barriers and obstacles and transport individuals into virtual spaces.  These capabilities have the potential to improve the quality of life for many people with disabilities.


[1] Five Ways the Metaverse Could be Revolutionary for People with Disabilities, World Economic Forum 9/2/22

[2] For more information on how metaverse technology is being used in education, please see our blogpost “Will the Metaverse Change the Face of Education?

[3] For more information on how metaverse technology is being used in the workspace, please see our blogposts “Could the Metaverse Change the Face of Work?” and “Can the Metaverse Improve the Work-From-Home Experience?”


Bong-Geun Choi

Chief Economist


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